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General Information

School Philosophy

        The school believes that each child is unique and has God-given potentials. Utmost care must be taken in nurturing each child to achieve his maximum development.

        The school plays a vital role in the life of each child. With his uniqueness, each child should be given different programs in school that would cater to his individual needs. Thus, making him a fully-developed, self-reliant, happy and God-fearing person in the future.


            The school aims to provide a quality education through individualistic learning and to inculcate in the minds of the students the importance of Christian values and teaching in their daily education. We aim to be globally competitive in the field of learning and to produce future leaders who are life-long learners instilled with Christian values and virtues.

To prepare young students to be academically competitive, self-reliant and responsible individuals, and to enhance their leadership potentials through Christian education.



A school that produces well-rounded individuals who are Godly leaders and who profess the gospel of Christ through their success in life.

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